Sustainability has become an important competitive advantage in the business world and an integral part of the operations of many successful companies.

The free-of-charge assessment of the current state of responsibility and sustainable development implemented under supervision of our experts and our advisory services based thereon will help you to develop the economic, social and environmental responsibility of your company and the management of sustainable development.

Who is it for?

  • For SMEs that are looking to enhance their competitiveness by investing in responsibility and sustainable development.
  • Typically for companies that run international business operations and carry out, for example, direct or indirect exports or have purchasing chains abroad.
  • Companies that are seeking financing, such as equity investments, loan or R&D subsidies.

How does the service benefot the company?

  • You will get a good overall picture of the current and target state of responsibility and sustainable development.
  • You will also see where you stand compared to similar companies around the world.
  • You will recognise the development needs of your company and get a jointly drafted operational programme towards more responsible and sustainable business operations, and support for your development activities.
  • Phase 1: Assessment of your organisation’s current state and target state regarding sustainable development through discussions and IMP3rove Corporate Sustainability Navigator tool (approximately 0.5 days).
  • Phase 2: Based on the assessment, development needs are determined and an operational programme is drawn up (0.5–1 days).
  • Phase 3: We support the company in the introduction of the operating plan and implementation of the sustainable development goals. This often also includes, for example, referral to more in-depth services of other experts or seeking financing for more extensive development projects.

The other services of the Enterprise Europe Network are also available for the development of your organisation’s sustainability, including e.g. search of an international partner, financial advice for sustainable development projects, and legal advice.